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    Figure 1
    Sensor-based hardware example (source of all figures: the author).

    The Basic Regulatory Expectations (Requirements) of Using Digital Health Technology for Clinical Studies

    GMP / GLP / GCP

    Definitions and Meaning
    Benefits and Challenges
    Recommendations of FDA DHT Draft Guidance
    Other Aspects and Contents of the FDA DHT Draft Guidance
    Draft Guideline on Computerised Systems and Electronic Data in Clinical Trials of EMA
    Bohong MengUlm
    Bohong Meng
    is a pharmacist. She studied public finances and law at the Dalian Maritime University in China and pharmacy at the University of Erlangen-
    Nuremberg. After finishing her studies, she worked in QA, QC and Regulatory Affairs for various companies such as ratiopharm, TEVA Ulm, and Boehringer-Ingelheim Biberach.


    In 2021, 2 draft guidelines about computerized systems and Digital Health Technology (DHT) in clinical investigation were published by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The following article is a brief summary about the FDA DHT draft guidance with consideration of the EMA draft guideline.